ACCESS Health Launches Affordable Excellence Book in China

ACCESS Health has launched the Chinese language version of Affordable Excellence: The Singapore Healthcare Story. Affordable Excellence demonstrates the possibility of achieving accessible, affordable, and quality heatlhcare for emerging economies. While it tells the story of healthcare in Singapore, its lessons are applicable in China where government has a track record of commitment to improving healthcare for its people.

Affordable Excellence: The Singapore Healthcare Story
Affordable Excellence: The Singapore Healthcare Story

The book is written by ACCESS Health President and Chairman Dr. William A. Haseltine and translated by Dan Wang, Deputy Secretary of the School of Public Administration at Renmin University, Managing Director of the Renmin Hospital Management and Research Center, and Supervisor of China Cancer Foundation. The Forward was written by Dr. Yuan li Liu, Senior Lecturer and Director of the China Project at Harvard University School of Public Health.

Both Mr. Wang and Dr. Liu praised Dr. Haseltine for applying a scientific mindset and entrepreneurial acumen to help people more broadly understand the healthcare system in Singapore and its secrets of success. Affordable Excellence helps readers recognize and learn from one of the best practices and leading healthcare system reforms in the world. The book provides invaluable information for Chinese academics and policymakers, and is a crucial reference point for further development of the Chinese healthcare system.

To purchase the Chinese language version of Affordable Excellence: The Singapore Healthcare Story, click here.