Our Work

Modern Aging

Donors and Partners:

Gary Weber
Haseltine Foundation for Science and the Arts
NUS Enterprise


Demographic change is a defining issue of our time. The population of elderly continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. As the global population ages, the healthcare and welfare systems of every country will face challenges of scale in providing for the elderly and the chronically ill.

Program Objectives:

ACCESS Health created the Modern Aging programs in Sweden, Singapore, and China to accelerate healthcare innovation for an aging population. Our Modern Aging programs facilitate the creation of new businesses focused on the needs of the elderly, by bringing innovators, investors, business leaders, policymakers, service providers, and academia together.


Each country program was created to serve needs in the local community. Modern Aging Singapore is a community, accelerator, and education platform with the objective to create new businesses that help people live better as they live longer. Developed in partnership with NUS Enterprise, the Modern Aging accelerator program identifies, develops, and scales startup companies that serve the needs of aging populations around the world. More about Modern Aging Singapore is available on their website.

The Modern Aging program in China developed an online curriculum for young entrepreneurs interested in programs to support older populations. The curricula includes a series of online videos and provides members of the Modern Aging network an opportunity to learn best practices and gain critical expertise in the aging sector. More about Modern Aging China is available at modernaging.org.cn

The Modern Aging Sweden hosted a fourteen week training program for young entrepreneurs that was designed to supplement their business skills and to help them understand the needs of the elderly. Participants also worked with experienced entrepreneurs and business coaches and were able to present their business concepts to a panel of experts who provided critiques.