Digital Healthcare Whitepaper Launch

Cisco Systems, ACCESS Health International and Novartis are pleased to invite you to the joint launch of the digital healthcare whitepaper: ‘Reaching 650 million: How Digital Technology is Key to Achieving Universal Health Coverage in ASEAN’

On 23 September 2019, the United Nations members adopted a high-level political declaration on health coverage for all, signifying the “the most comprehensive agreement ever reached on global health”. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres affirmed that this significant achievement will drive progress for the next decade.

Across ASEAN, rising demand for healthcare and increasing healthcare costs have led to significant concerns and an urgent need for action. In response to these growing healthcare needs, all ten countries in ASEAN have committed to the achievement of universal health coverage.

Despite strong commitment and action, universal health coverage is difficult to achieve and sustain. Universal health coverage challenges the reality that trade-offs must always be made between quality, affordability, and access.

Cisco and ACCESS Health, along with our event partner Novartis invite you to hear about the findings of the paper, and engage with panelist and a range of representatives from across the healthcare sector on how Vietnam can leverage technology in achieving Universal Healthcare and primary care reform.

Please click on this link to register. Any questions, please contact Adrienne Mendenhall at [email protected] or Huong Nguyen [email protected] Healthcare Whitepaper Launch


Nov 20 2019


followed by Networking Lunch
9:30 am - 12:00 pm


Pullman Hotel