The World Health Organization recognizes dementia as a public health priority. Dementia rates are rising steadily due to an increase in the global senior population and longer life expectancies. The rate of dementia cases is increasing by 7.7 million cases per year. It is estimated that 47.5 million people worldwide have dementia.

This interview with Davina Porock addresses the areas of her dementia research. Dr. Porock discusses models of dementia care and dementia assessment tools used in skilled nursing facilities and acute care settings. She describes a model of person centered care for dementia patients to mitigate their fear and anxiety driven responses. Dr. Porock stresses the lack of palliative and end of life care in nursing schools. She believes that discussion and planning with the patient’s family and physician facilitates appropriate palliative care that honors the patient’s wishes in late life. Dr. Porock also expresses concern about the disparity of funding priorities between dementia research and the development of a supportive network for those with dementia and their caregivers.