Northern Europe


Northern Europe is home to some of the highest quality healthcare systems in the world. Our work in the region focused on identifying best practices, especially in elder care, and market opportunities. Our research in the region includes a set of studies on market opportunities in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, three countries which have some of the highest healthcare expenditures in the world and where there are ample opportunities to enter the healthcare market to help reduce expenditures while maintaining a high quality of care.

To better understand these opportunities, ACCESS Health and our partners at the Dutch Task Force Health Care conducted three healthcare market studies for the Regional Economic Envoy for the Nordic and Baltic Countries on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands. The reports provide an overview of the healthcare system, healthcare market, and healthcare infrastructure in each country and an analysis of market opportunities in six focus areas: mobility and vitality; eHealth; the construction of hospitals; product development; public health; and medical devices. (Full reports: Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.)

ACCESS Health also created a series of case studies on elder care practices across Northern Europe, with a focus on dementia care. These studies and the transcripts of our interviews with elder care experts in the region are available in our Publications section.