ACCESS Health Digital

The Government of India introduced a new National Health Policy in 2017 which set universal health coverage as a goal. India is now in the midst of what some have dubbed, the world’s biggest healthcare overhaul. This includes the launch of world’s largest health insurance program, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), also known as Ayushman Bharat. The program promises Indian citizens seamless, equitable, and efficient healthcare, available anytime and anywhere.

Since healthcare is traditionally controlled by the states in India, the healthcare system is splintered with highly fragmented delivery mechanisms. To fulfill its promise to provide universal health coverage, the health system must be transformed and shift towards a digital health ecosystem.

Program Objectives:
To support the efforts of the Indian government to achieve universal health coverage by adopting new digital health technologies, ACCESS Health created a new program called ACCESS Health Digital.

ACCESS Health Digital will focus on building a harmonized digital health ecosystem that will support the goal of streamlined and sustainable universal health coverage. Our digital team is developing new evidence based approaches to bridge gaps between healthcare providers, payers, and the government.

ACCESS Health Digital developed a comprehensive strategy for the Indian health system to leverage technological advancements and transform into a digitally driven healthcare system. The team’s research, advocacy and strategic advisory services highlight new ways for healthcare systems to leverage technological advancements to transform into digitally driven systems.

ACCESS Health Digital developed a six pillar digital health strategy towards transformation of the health system. The government’s recently launched National Digital Health Blueprint validates the six pillar strategy that ACCESS Health advocated for. ACCESS Health Digital continues to work closely with the government of India to further refine the strategy and implement new steps towards a new digital health strategy for India.