Our Work

Health Futures

Donors and Partners:
Anthill Ventures
FHI 360
Mercer Marsh Benefits
National University of Singapore, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Singapore Economic Development Board

Health systems are the foundation upon which all other improvements in society are built.
Traditionally, health systems were created around the idea of delivering care in hospitals. But the hospital centric systems of the past cannot respond to the changing health needs of our world today, where chronic diseases are on the rise and new challenges due to global demographic changes are emerging. ACCESS Health believes the future of healthcare systems is patient centered and community based. To deliver on that vision requires more than the transfer of technology. It will require new models of distributed care and health financing.

Program Objectives:
To ignite and catalyze health systems transformation ACCESS Health developed Health Futures, a regional ecosystem that weaves together startups, investors, industry partners, service providers, public institutions, and members of academia. Our Health Futures teams work with partners to explore and create new models of distributed care and health financing that better serve the patient and the community.

Health Futures focuses on three drivers for healthcare transformation: new service delivery models, innovative healthcare financing, and technology. We work closely with our partners and collaborators to identify synergies and bring innovative ideas to fruition. Using our research on best practices globally, we work with our partners to explore innovations that can scale, and we facilitate the coalition building process by providing events and networking opportunities.

Health Futures has supported partners by offering tailored services ranging from feasibility, market opportunity, and landscaping studies to identifying trustworthy implementation partners and facilitating rollout.

In addition to Singapore (www.healthfutures.sg), the Health Futures Network was rolled out in China with locations in Shanghai and Beijing (www.healthfutures.org.cn). Through the ACCESS Health offices in Delhi and Hyderabad the Health Futures network now covers most of Southeast Asia and beyond.