ACCESS Health China to research and write commercial insurance catalog

In July, ACCESS Health China participated in “Standard Setting and Long-term Development of a Commercial Insurance Catalog,” a conference held in Shanghai. The event was led by the Insurance Association of China (IAC); the Chinese Medical Information and Big Data Association; and the China Health Culture Association. Leaders from the IAC, Shanghai Municipal Healthcare Security Administration, and China Association of Pharmaceutical Commerce attended the meeting, along with experts, academics, and more than fifty representatives from the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

The ACCESS Health China research and consulting team will be tasked with writing writing the catalog itself. Dr. Chang Liu, Regional Director of ACCESS Health China, shared the project’s overall research design during the meeting, after which experts and representatives from the medical, pharmaceutical and insurance industries participated in a lively discussion on the positioning, principles, and forms of commercial insurance catalogs. The participants discussed all preliminary research content on the subject, formed a series of cross-industry agreements, and drafted the next steps for researching and promoting a commercial insurance catalog. Based on the discussions and agreements that took place during the conferenced, all relevant participants will move forward to the next stage of the research.