Launch of the Stop Hep Alliance: ACCESS Health joins the global fight against viral hepatitis

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On July 27, 2024, coinciding with World Hepatitis Day, ACCESS Health International hosted a webinar to launch the Stop Hep Alliance. This virtual event brought together a distinguished panel of global health experts, policymakers, and industry leaders. The timing of this launch was particularly significant, as it aligned with the global health community’s renewed focus on eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030.

The webinar served as a platform to introduce the Stop Hep Alliance, a collaborative initiative aimed at accelerating efforts against viral hepatitis worldwide. This alliance represents a concerted effort to unite advocates, healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and affected communities in the fight against hepatitis. The event’s timing on World Hepatitis Day underscored the urgency of the mission and helped to amplify the alliance’s message on a global stage.

One of the key takeaways from the webinar was the critical importance of political will and action in the fight against hepatitis. Dr. William Haseltine, Chair of ACCESS Health International, set the tone in his opening remarks by emphasizing the need for global recognition of hepatitis as a serious problem. He highlighted how scientific discovery, drug development, and affordable treatments have paved the way for elimination efforts. Dr. Haseltine’s remarks underscored the crucial role of leadership and robust public health infrastructure in successful elimination campaigns, citing Egypt’s experience as a prime example.

The webinar was moderated by Mr. Girish Bommkanti of ACCESS Health. The launch of the Stop Hep Alliance was presented by Dr. Hala Zaid, Regional Director for the MENA Region and former Egyptian Minister of Health at ACCESS Health International. Dr. Zaid’s presentation of Egypt’s success story in hepatitis elimination served as a testament to what can be achieved with determined effort and strategic planning. Her optimism about replicating Egypt’s model in other countries set an inspiring tone for the alliance’s future work.

Dr. Meg Doherty from the World Health Organization provided a sobering yet crucial overview of the current global situation and targets for hepatitis elimination. Her presentation highlighted both progress and persistent challenges, including the slow decline in incidence rates and low treatment coverage in many regions. Dr. Doherty’s emphasis on the need for political action and increased service coverage resonated with the webinar’s overarching theme of mobilizing global efforts.

Funding emerged as a critical theme throughout the webinar. Dr. Finn Jarle Rode, Executive Director of The Hepatitis Fund, addressed the persistent lack of funding as a major barrier to hepatitis elimination. His call for increased government commitment and cross-sector collaboration highlighted the complex nature of the challenge. Dr. Rode’s emphasis on the role of the Hepatitis Fund in negotiating lower drug prices pointed to practical solutions in overcoming financial barriers.

The webinar also shed light on systemic challenges beyond funding and access. Dr. Homie Razavi from the Center of Disease Analysis provided invaluable insights into policy and regulatory hurdles that hinder hepatitis elimination efforts. His call for countries to change current practices and policies to improve access to diagnostics and treatments highlighted the need for comprehensive reform at national levels.

The role of the pharmaceutical industry in hepatitis elimination was addressed by Dr. Sherine Helmy, CEO of Pharco Corporation. Dr. Helmy’s discussion underscored the industry’s crucial role in making treatments affordable and accessible, a key component in any successful elimination strategy.

Public awareness and communication emerged as another critical factor in hepatitis elimination efforts. Mr. Moustafa Moharam, Chairman of Moharram & Partners, emphasized the need for high-level engagement of decision-makers and a collaborative approach in awareness campaigns. His insights into Egypt’s successful mobilization of various sectors for hepatitis elimination provided valuable lessons for other countries.

The webinar concluded with a forward-looking perspective from Dr. N. Krishna Reddy, CEO of ACCESS Health International. Dr. Reddy’s vision of the Stop Hep Alliance as a self-organizing, self-governing, and self-sustaining entity emphasized the need for coordinated action among stakeholders. His call for practical tools and guidance to help countries implement elimination programs set a clear direction for the alliance’s future work.

In conclusion, the Stop Hep Alliance launch webinar on World Hepatitis Day 2024 marked a significant milestone in global efforts to eliminate viral hepatitis. By bringing together diverse experts and stakeholders, the event highlighted the multifaceted nature of the challenge and the need for collaborative, innovative approaches. As the alliance moves forward, its success will depend on translating the insights and commitments from this launch into concrete actions that can make a real difference in the global fight against hepatitis.

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