United States

The New York office of ACCESS Health is a hub for the organization’s work to disseminate best practices in health from around the globe. The office has published four books by ACCESS Health Chair and President William A. Haseltine, including the Amazon bestseller World Class: Adversity, Transformation, and Success and NYU Langone Health. World Class offers an inside view into the remarkable turnaround of an underperforming medical center in New York City which was losing tens of millions of dollars and ranked in the bottom third of academic medical center hospitals for quality and safety just ten years ago. Today, the medical center delivers world class patient care and generates a substantial surplus.

Among Dr. Haseltine’s other books published in recent years are Every Second Counts: Saving Lives with India’s Emergency Response System, published by the Brookings Institution Press, and two books on aging, Voices in Dementia Care: Changing the Culture of Care and Aging Well: Solutions to the Most Pressing Global Challenges of Aging. Both aging related books include innovative best practices from across the United States that were identified and analyzed by researchers in the New York office.