This research digest summarizes findings from the ACCESS Health research paper on the Aarogyasri health insurance program in Andhra Pradesh, What a Difference a State Makes. The state funded program has increased per capita inpatient admissions. It has also slowed growth in out of pocket spending on healthcare.
The analysis in the original report found that, contrary to the goals of the program, patients incur quite large out of pocket charges from inpatient procedures thought to be covered by Aarogyasri. The report also shows that over the eight years since the program’s introduction, Andhra Pradesh recorded faster growth than Maharashtra (a neighboring district) in inpatient and in surgery admissions, but slower growth in out of pocket payments for inpatient care, outpatient care, and transport.
According to the report, these results are consistent with the intended effects of Aarogyasri, in combination with minor health initiatives in Andhra Pradesh, especially the ambulance program.