The Joint Learning Network (JLN) for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) brings together low and middle income countries in Africa and Asia to share experiences, challenges, and insights drawn from their efforts to achieve universal health coverage. This report describes an impact assessment carried out from May 2011 through December 2012 of the support activities the Joint Learning Fund (JLF) provided to JLN countries and their resulting successes and challenges. Of the ten JLN member countries, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, India (Kerala), and Ghana benefited from JLF support in 2011–2012.

The JLF is a flexible pool of funds designated to support JLN member countries in their efforts to gain knowledge from and understanding of UHC reforms in other countries. The funds support technical and financial resources. As part of the monitoring and evaluation of the JLF supported activities, impact assessments are conducted six months after receipt of support funds. In-depth interviews with key stakeholders from different task working groups and participants from the supported activities assess specific learning experiences derived from the JLF activities with an eye toward improvements for the future.