International researchers and academics have traditionally ranked the Dutch elder care system one of the best in the world. The system is based on the principle of solidarity and universal coverage. However, there are concerns about the increasing cost of long term and chronic care as the population ages.
In this compilation of interviews with professionals from companies that provide elderly care, Dr. Daan Dohmen, Dr. Hans Becker, Roland de Wolf, Jos de Blok, and Gertje van Roessel represent innovative groups that focus more on wellbeing, wellness, and lifestyle choices, and less on the medical aspects of chronic and long term care. For example, model care homes in the Netherlands provide a comfortable home environment, with small groups of residents, individualized interior design choices, home cooked meals, and a personalized care routine. The homecare organizations provide assistance, but only when individuals cannot manage on their own.
Dutch organizations embody personal freedom, a focus on wellness and wellbeing, and an environment that feels like home. The healthcare professionals interviewed here believe these values should be present in developing future healthcare.