APAC CVD Alliance completes one year since inception

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ACCESS Health International, serving as the secretariat of the Asia-Pacific Cardiovascular Disease Alliance, is pleased to report on the Alliance’s growth and achievements over the past year as it celebrates its first anniversary.

In the past year, the Alliance has expanded to 26 partners across six countries. This diverse group includes patient organizations, healthcare professionals, academic institutions, nonprofits, and private sector representatives, all working together to address cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the Asia-Pacific region.

Key Milestones and Celebrations:

  • Regional Report Launch: The Alliance released a comprehensive regional report advocating for cohesive action to tackle cardiovascular disease and its comorbidities across the Asia-Pacific. The report was introduced in a webinar featuring keynotes from the World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office and the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand. Download the report here.
  • First Policy Dialogue in Thailand: A policy dialogue was held in Thailand in collaboration with local partners, including the Ministry of Public Health, the National Health Security Office, and the National Health Commission. The dialogue focused on how a multisectoral coalition can support policymaking to create cohesive CVD care for patients.
  • Continued Outreach and Engagement: The Alliance has participated in various forums to promote CVD care resilience, including a multistakeholder panel in Singapore. Representatives also attended the Asian-Pacific Society of Cardiology Congress and the Emirates Cardiac Society Congress in Dubai, UAE, and the 3rd Ancient Capital Conference of Cardiology in Hue, Vietnam.

Looking ahead, the Alliance is planning the inaugural Asia-Pacific Heart Summit & Patients’ Roundtable, scheduled for October 18-20 in Bangkok. ACCESS Health International thanks all its partners for their continued commitment to improving cardiovascular health in the region. Further updates and activities are anticipated as the Alliance continues to drive positive change in CVD care.